Celebrating John Waters’s lovably grotesque black comedy
His first words as he ascended the podium for the Walk of Fame honor: “Here I am…closer to the gutter than ever”
Boycotting Travolta, Diamond Hunting with Laverne Cox, Outing the Governor’s Brother… and Other Adventures in the War to Win LGBTQ Equality
The Hollywood Chamber of Commerce awards stars in 3 categories besides motion pictures: television, recording & live theater/live performance
Waters is slated to appear on May 10 at the Aratani Theatre, 244 San Pedro St. in LA promoting his first novel ‘Liarmouth’ - available May...
‘Every single thing is different after COVID’
‘I’d go nuts if I didn’t work’
Seen the staples a zillion times? Here are a few with holiday settings off the beaten path
Ad campaign reintroduces classic looks
In new book, the ‘filth elder’ has an opinion on just about everything