(Editor’s note: The Los Angeles Press Club recently asked journalists to submit stories about their experience covering the coronavirus pandemic. It was a contest and I’m...
Rep. Adam Schiff working from home (screen grab from Facebook) If there is ever a time when a federal elected official needs to fulfilled their sworn...
“Leadership, I’m discovering at this moment, can be found everywhere,” said California Gov. Gavin Newsom, leader of 40 million Californians and the world’s fifth-largest economy, during...
West Hollywood’s name has been mentioned frequently when discussing the COVID-19 crisis, and not necessarily for the best of reasons. The city was widely publicized as...
We have been here before and must persevere
Actor and singer Ben Platt will perform at the GLAAD Media Awards in New York City next month. GLAAD announced on Wednesday that the Tony-winning “Dear...
(UPDATED) In a surprise move Wednesday, Pride Media named veteran journalist and editor Diane Anderson-Minshall as its new chief executive officer. Anderson-Minshall, who is the first...
Ocamb wins special recognition; Johnson picked in newspaper category
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An offensive question rooted in homophobia