The bill is a carbon copy of the anti-trans bills sweeping the nation this past year and ignores the policies that were already in place
“Transgender children deserve public officials’ efforts to demonstrate that they are valued members of our community"
Local news outlets reported that some parents had an issue with the message, calling it “inappropriate.” Morgan also faced threats of violence
"Lawmakers should stop meddling in the lives of innocent kids and focus on more pressing issues that pose legitimate threats in Kentucky”
"The legislation will increase marginalization already experienced by trans girls & pose harm to organizations supportive of trans rights"
“The plaintiffs could not be more happy- they’re finally going to get their day in court and they’re confident justice will be served"
There are currently 13 out LGBTQ elected officials in Kentucky. Herron will be the only out LGBTQ person serving in the state legislature
Restricts Trans women and girls from playing on school sports teams that match their gender identity- Bill will now move to the full Senate
“I think we’re getting ready to watch a race among legislators who are in a competition to see who can do the most harm to trans...
Using data obtained from the Kentucky State Police researchers found that all but one HIV-related arrests since 2006 were related to sex work