The lawsuit, Noe v. Parson, was filed on behalf of the families of three trans people, medical providers, PFLAG & GLMA
Kevin Jennings says litigation is ‘crucial tool’ to advance LGBTQ rights
The complaint says Victor Voe, the adolescent plaintiff, “is terrified of going through a puberty that is completely foreign to him”
The lawsuit, Roe v. Critchfield, was brought on behalf of a rising seventh-grade trans student and a LGBTQ high school student organization
More than 50 people who attended were family members, friends, LGBTQ rights advocates, and fellow service members
The student “lives as a female and was living as a female when she was denied the use of the girls’ restroom at her school"
The families argue the new law violates their parental rights by stopping them from providing medical care for their children
"If we crack the door on allowing discrimination of any type against any protected class of people- someone will open the door wide open"
According to plaintiff's lawyers, there are up to 9,000 Medicaid transgender enrollees in Florida receiving gender-affirming care
Montana health care providers and families challenge law banning Gender-Affirming care for transgender youth