New graphics update City’s ‘Rainbow Crosswalks’ & feature additional inclusivity elements to recognize the LGBTQ+ community
"Right now in Texas and Florida and Alabama and North Dakota, and unfortunately many other places, the house is on fire for our community"
"Politicians are proposing that parents providing gender-affirming care for THEIR OWN children are felons-These laws are discriminatory"
"Disney, the door is open to bring those jobs back to California - the state that actually represents the values of your workers"
62% of Americans oppose while 37% support it. Respondents who identify as LGBTQ overwhelmingly oppose this type of legislation, at 87%
Tensions and issues regarding the LGBTQ+ student population in the district's schools has been a reoccurring situation
Twenty-something StanChris has been building his YouTube channel by vlogging about the ordinary everyday experiences of his life
"Judge Meachum’s ruling that the policy is likely unconstitutional & may not be enforced brings welcome relief to the parents & children"
“No matter where we come from or who we love, we should all be able to agree that everyone deserves protections from domestic violence”
"When we have the Legislature in the state of Florida, curtailing First Amendment rights, I’m sorry- That is wrong. Period"