Right-wing media reacts with homophobic outrage after the new DC Comics Superman comes out as bisexual in the latest issue
"The crowd was decked out in LGBTQ+ affirming clothing- the stands were completely packed. It was just so heartwarming to see"
Encircle is a non-profit organization with the mission to bring the family and community together to enable LGBTQ+ youth to thrive
Singer, husband, and popular West Hollywood nightclub owner, now adds the job of 'Dad' to his resume
Carlson mocks Pete Buttigieg: "Paternity leave, they call it, trying to figure out how to breastfeed, no word on how that went"
LGBTQ students who reported their school to be LGBTQ-affirming had 30% lower odds of being bullied in the past year
The role and the series are considered a watershed event in children's programming & has been crucial in representing trans youth experiences
"What happens to being like a fierce, fabulous, gay? All of a sudden, I'm living the life my parents lived."
No candidate in #MD01 of either party, incumbent or challenger, has ever hit the $1M milestone this early in the election cycle
Josh Mandel has a lengthy history of making anti-LGBTQ & anti-refugee statements and he is opposed to coronavirus mandates