LGBTQ employees of color were more likely to report being denied jobs and verbal harassment at work as opposed their white counterparts
The end of Roe signals dark decades ahead for the LGBTQ community, with no political or legal recourse with a GOP ready to overturn elections
“The court sent a clear message that Charlotte Catholic violated Title VII’s prohibition on sex discrimination when it fired Mr. Billard."
According to recent polling by Swiss LGBTQ+ equality rights group Pink Cross, 82% of the Swiss population supports same-sex marriage
Through his bold music Lil Nas X continues to fight for mainstream queer representation and elevate important issues around mental health
Human rights activists expressed grave concerns that already marginalized groups in China are going to be further negatively impacted
The Star underscored that "more broadly, the decision is an insult to all Missourians, including tens of thousands of LGBTQ residents."
Openly Out Missouri State Senator Razer; "The exhibit’s removal was proof discrimination is alive in Jefferson City."
His research and writing created the foundation for marriage equality and fairer treatment of LGBTQ Americans generally.
LGBTQ rights & protections come under attack during the Trump administration — and they will come under attack again if Republicans prevail