Indiana’s Civil Rights Act doesn’t include sexual orientation or gender identity as protected classes, the attorney general’s office said
"Surf contests in state waters must be carried out in a lawful manner that does not discriminate based on gender"
More than 20 years of attempts to get protections in place have failed as queer lives become more politicized
The community center is attempting to raise $25K When it achieves that goal, the Leonard-Litz LGBTQ+ Foundation will match the funding
“Social media [are] where young people increasingly turn to get information about their community, their history, their bodies & themselves”
Katy ISD’s board voted to require staff to notify parents if their child wants to use a different pronoun or identifies as a different gender
Putin's inaugural speech today signaled his future intentions on conducting the war in Ukraine and his ongoing persecution of LGBTQ+ Russians
Assemblymember Rick Zbur honors LGBTQ+ Latina Nancy Sutley for her outstanding achievement in public service during the Latino Spirit Awards
Drag performer Tara Hoot, read children’s stories and handed out coloring books to the kids was joined by the Gay Men’s Chorus of Washington
“I feel Matthew with me every day, or I would not be able to do this,” she says. “We just hope we’re doing what he would...