It was awesome that the Dodgers kicked butt right off the bat in the first inning and won 12-1 with multiple home runs
The Capital Pride Alliance, the organization which produces the annual event organized the intersectional LGBTQ+ walk and celebration.
"I echo our mayor to say to the survivors and family members of Pulse: it’s okay to not be okay. This was a tragedy."
"Our state is in a moment of reflection where each of us must send a message of acceptance to the LGBTQ community- ‘you belong here.’”
Mayor Dutrey said that he felt that the council “was sabotaged” by those who refused to accept the proclamation was made in good faith.
Northam further encouraged Virginians to participate in Pride month activities to be hosted by his administration and community organizations
"Y'all are trying to stand out. I could give a shit less about what you want and what you think you might want to be..."
An identified descendent of the Wyandot Native American tribe, he was indigenous and had the right to claim two-spirit identity
A decade ago there was a boy made famous by a pop song and a viral video. Today, there is an artistic, powerful singer song writer
These efforts to build an LGBTQ+ inclusive workplace send a signal loud & clear that Delaware is inclusive and equitable