"I am running because my neighbors want their elected representative to follow through. They want someone with energy & advocacy experience"
McBride made headlines in 2020 when she became the first openly transgender state senator in the nation’s history
"It’s time for Truss to “show that she can keep her promises by pressing ahead and to put an end to political point-scoring"
Participants report rejection, bullying, and violence as a result of their gender identity or sexual orientation
I’m a lesbian, & I deliberately went to one of the most homophobic countries in the World- I cannot wait to go back
“You can't censor a student newspaper you no longer have.” Ending student newspaper programs is becoming a more common form of censorship
A Texas church performed an unauthorized production of the acclaimed Broadway musical with the addition of homophobic content
A gay man & longtime member of Biden’s inner circle, Goepfert is one of the administration’s most powerful LGBTQ+ officials
For the time being, Facebook ads are out. It’s possible that I may never run ads on that platform again, but certainly not any time soon
"After Chasten & I saw your graduation speech earlier this year [...] I wanted to be sure to personally thank you for your voice & advocacy”