“BenDeLaCreme is...Ready to be Committed” plays Dynasty Typewriter at the Hayworth Theatre (2511 Wilshire Blvd.) Thursday-Sunday, May 12-15
Seminole County Public Schools board voted unanimously to put disclaimer stickers in the yearbook versus having white blackout stickers used
Experiences among LGBTQ students in graduate schools and community colleges followed a similar pattern to four-year colleges and universities
"I cannot believe that either of these pieces of legislation reflects the morals of the citizens of Ohio..."
A matchup with the Giants will be the first time 2 Major League Baseball teams wear the rainbow logo on the field
“The reason I’m running for state Senate in 2023 is to keep continuing the constituent work that I’ve been doing”
"SPARTA calls on Congress to update the ‘Truman Amendment’ to enshrine into law the opportunity for trans & intersex individuals to serve "
He took aim at the recent litany of anti-LGBTQ+ legislation, making particular reference to Florida's recently passed 'Don't Say Gay' law
"This is obviously a hate crime. The fact that my sexuality as gay is public should never expose myself to this kind of violence"
Silence = Death and its accompanying reversed pink triangle symbol was created by artisans with The Silence=Death Project