Many face bullying, harassment, assault, and unfair treatment-“It’s clear universities are not doing enough for transgender students”
The Board will advise the District Attorney's Office regarding policies, priority issues, and best practices related to LGBTQ+ Angelenos
HEI is the national benchmarking tool that evaluates health care facilities’ policies & practices related to the LGBTQ+ community
Twenty-something StanChris has been building his YouTube channel by vlogging about the ordinary everyday experiences of his life
Sphere provided legal and psychological assistance to LGBTQ+ people throughout Russia and provided emergency assistance in crisis situations
The year he retired he expressed support for the LGBTQ+ community & drawing attention to the high suicide rates among LGBTQ+ youth
The company's actions comes as the battles in the cultural war over LGBTQ+ rights heats up in other places like Florida
Conversion therapy intended to change sexual orientation/gender identity of patients is banned but that doesn't include pastoral counseling
"Punishing these incidents could infringe upon the right to equality, the dignity and value as human and the right to pursue happiness"
"The consistent targeting of LGBTQ youth by the Arizona Legislature is a disgrace. School is sometimes the only place these kids feel safe"