An eye-opener to queer life in Sydney and San Francisco
‘Waterfalls, The Moon and Sensible Shoes’ follows one lesbian life
‘Up With the Sun’ a story of ambition, lusts, obsessions
11 picks sure to keep you riveted
Something for every reader on your list
"So, I’ve written a book about my story. It's out next June, and I'm so excited to share its cover with you now"
Army of Lovers is not just an account of political intervention, it is itself an intervention, a novel that preserves for future activism
Frisco ISD’s new bathroom policy & Keller ISD’s ban on books referencing gender violate federal rules prohibiting sex-based discrimination
A presentation planned for the group’s meeting on Tuesday, which will address content deemed offensive by its conservative members
For One Amazon Executive, the mission to save LGBTQ Youth is not altruistic, it’s personal- fighting to overhaul the system