The Wellington Public Library's mission "to serve every member of our community in an enlightened, democratic, & unified approach"
“The First Amendment protects literary expression, even when some people find portions of the works difficult or objectionable"
For the time being, Facebook ads are out. It’s possible that I may never run ads on that platform again, but certainly not any time soon
Republican Governor Ron DeSantis is working towards, what appears to observers to be dedicated efforts, to completely erase LGBTQ+ people
Books receiving these warnings disproportionately include stories featuring LGBTQ+ and titles about communities of color
A community voted to close its library rather than have it remain open with books some consider to be “indoctrinating” children
“[...] making librarians who make 85k a year answer to parents when we ask how sexually explicit books got into the library"
‘Answers in the Pages’ a ripped-from-the-headlines summer treat for kids, adults
Waters is slated to appear on May 10 at the Aratani Theatre, 244 San Pedro St. in LA promoting his first novel ‘Liarmouth’ - available May...
This year will feature more than 550 participants in panels, readings, performances, cooking demonstrations and more on the USC campus