An anti-LGBTQ activist got shut down at Disney’s annual shareholder meeting by none other than the company’s new CEO himself. Caroline Farrow, who was representing...
“Stranger Hearts,” a new original series from queer streaming Network Dekkoo, is set to launch this weekend. Created by filmmaker Kevin James Thornton (“How To Get...
A new horror movie is due to drop this weekend from out lesbian filmmaker Tucia Lyman, bringing a queer perspective to the “found footage” genre just...
GLAAD has announced the addition of more talent to the roster of guests at their 31st Annual Media Awards in Los Angeles. The world’s largest LGBTQ...
Netflix is getting ready to step off your screens and onto a live stage, and it’s bringing a host of your favorite LGBTQ talent with it....
Marlon James didn’t start out wanting to be an epic fantasy writer. His career as a novelist has been built on stories derived from the history...
It looks like Marvel is finally going to deliver on its promise to provide substantive LGBTQ representation in its “cinematic universe.” Actor Haaz Sleiman, who is...
Sony Pictures is making plans for Spider-Man to come swinging back onto the screen soon – and a rumor has emerged that they want him to...
GLAAD has launched a new digital content series aimed at increasing the visibility of Black LGBTQ people. “Neon,” is an ongoing initiative that aims to leverage...
The Dekkoo streaming service has dropped a trailer for an upcoming series about the interconnectness of queer lives. “Stranger Hearts,” a new original series from filmmaker...