There are currently 13 out LGBTQ elected officials in Kentucky. Herron will be the only out LGBTQ person serving in the state legislature
“Look, words matter. Laws matter. When [LGBTQ youth] feel targeted by the words and laws of course, it can increase anxiety, depression”
"This new data reveals the need to continue building momentum behind the Rainbow Wave until we achieve parity"
Governor Gavin Newsom scored 88% in his third year in office, after he signed seven out of eight bills that reached his desk
JoDee Winterhof, HRC’s senior vice president of policy and political affairs, once worked for Sinema as chief of staff
Tam has not let anything get in the way of his work. In only his first year, he has already seen “the difference that we’re making”
Editor’s note: The following piece is private political commentary endorsing a candidate for office and is not an official endorsement by the Los Angeles Blade or...
A new joint independent expenditure campaign to re-elect America's only LGBTQ+ person of color to hold statewide office
Balint is the first openly gay woman elected to the Vermont Senate and the first woman to serve as its president
First LGBTQ Muslim elected in the state of Georgia and will be only Non-Binary Councilmember in a major U.S. city