Several Ukrainian LGBTQ+ activists characterized the crisis bluntly as 'hashtag Biden's War' and they will defend their homeland
There are currently 13 out LGBTQ elected officials in Kentucky. Herron will be the only out LGBTQ person serving in the state legislature
You must live in the Los Angeles area to apply. Talent age 5+ must be fully vaccinated (pending medical/religious exemptions) to be hired
A spokeswoman for Ocasio-Cortez said it is common for members of Congress to consider new names for local post offices
"Knowingly subjecting children to abuse, abandonment, and neglect by forcing them to come out to their parents is cruel, dangerous"
The 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing concluded Sunday but China’s ongoing abuses of human rights did not go unnoticed
“Look, words matter. Laws matter. When [LGBTQ youth] feel targeted by the words and laws of course, it can increase anxiety, depression”
"If your child comes out as gay to a parent, it's just one more thing for you to KNOW and LOVE about your child"
“It’s awful that children had to even experience this in fifth-grade camp [...] If I was aware of it I would have kept my children home”
LGBTQ people are a necessary part of the fabric of society. Our families deserve to be celebrated & schools should be a safe space