At 87%, South Dakota had the highest rate of LGBTQ+ residents reporting those mental health conditions, compared to 63% nationally
The economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic have exacerbated the challenges facing people living in poverty
"This new data reveals the need to continue building momentum behind the Rainbow Wave until we achieve parity"
Gallup noted that its pre-2020 polling did not ask adults which category LGBTQ+ category they identified with
Derry Town Councilor, Joshua Bourdon, said he, his wife and children attended calling it a positive experience with no inappropriate behavior
The theme for “WeHo Pride” & WeHo Pride LGBTQ Arts Festival 2022 is With Liberty, Diversity, Inclusion, and Progress For All
This has nothing to do with the sexual aspects of their lives but virtually does have everything to do with who they love and who they...
All in all, James Crutcher can sum up his way of thinking in one sentence: "Just be a nice human being"
Opposition to the legislation in Florida comes more from “people who don’t like the DeSantis agenda anyway”
John Fleck was one of the performance artists who in 1990 had their grants rescinded under pressure from conservative U.S. Senators