"The treatment aimed at PHGSA by administrators is unwarranted- these students must be treated in the same manner all others are treated"
LGBTQ+ isn't a "label" it is a state of being that a human is born with and must be acknowledged, especially by an LGBTQ+ publication
"Under the guise of protecting children- Texas legislators are directly harming thousands of transgender & nonbinary youth"
“We have to have a politically neutral classroom, and we’re going to educate the students in the best possible way that we can"
As Toni Newman steps into her new role at BAI, she will be one of only a few Black Trans women to head a non-profit in...
"It was disturbing how many kids came forward to say that they too had been the victims of sexual harassment or assault"
“These aren’t political stickers, they are merely a signal that a teacher has the confidence to have conversations with LGBTQ+ students"
More than one-third are living in low-income households
The legislation has failed to garner enough congressional support for passage beginning with its initial introduction in 2011
Students from the 'IndyPride' group told the Board that school is the only place some LGBTQ + students feel supported