The company rather than clap-back at a commenter with a standardized corporate response decided to turn the tables.
The ensuing vitriol included accusing her of being an "indoctrinator with an ungodly social agenda." She was also being harassed online.
Tobi Yandle found himself in a terrifying situation this past week after discovering that all the restrooms he was allowed to use were locked
Celebrate our LGBTQ+ community at DTLA PROUD Festival 2021.
"To use such antagonistic and warlike language in reference to LGBTQ+ people is indefensible. All students should feel safe."
Discrimination isn’t about one person or one community. When people are unlawfully subjected to hateful & demeaning rhetoric, it hurts all.
State Advisory Committees, such as Florida’s, serve as a critical link between the communities impacted by civil rights law and policymakers.
“Rather than allow equal access to a safe school environment, they decided to fight for 5 years in a costly legal battle that they lost.”
LGBTQ Afghans in Kabul and elsewhere in Afghanistan are living in fear and continue to weigh their options
Both Outfest the festival and Outfest the organization are successful case studies on how a business can grow, evolve and thrive.