YouTube has ignored advocates’ calls to establish and enforce a policy that bars its creators from harassing trans people
"Jim Hormel was a barrier-breaking public servant, champion for LGBTQ equality, and cherished friend who will be dearly missed."
The project comes as the U.S. Census Bureau releases new precinct-level population data that will kickstart redistricting efforts nationwide.
Some of the most influential voices in the GOP have embraced the Hungarian model of authoritarianism. For LGBTQ people, this is dangerous.
The City presented more than 155 awards since 1993 to people & organizations that have made outstanding contributions to the LGBTQ community.
“We’re thrilled to be coming back in-person carefully and with intention to celebrate this amazing community, its stories and its resiliency"
Majority of respondents in each country agree that transgender people should be allowed to have gender-affirming surgery
“Tonight is a win, not only for the LGBTQ community, but for all Charlotteans. We are only as strong as the least protected [...]"
182 publicly out gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, queer and nonbinary athletes were in Tokyo for the Summer Olympic Games
Seattle based Out journalist Matt Baume ran a story detailing some of the rich history of LGBTQ+ culture and influences on the popular Muppets