A new documentary examining the lives of LGBTQ people in Russia is set to receive its world premiere next weekend at the Santa Barbara International Film...
“Brokeback Mountain” star Jake Gyllenhaal has been set to produce and star in a film adaptation of “Fun Home,” the Broadway musical based on Alison Bechdel’s...
Fans of the short-form Netflix comedy “Special” have an extra reason to rejoice this holiday season – the Emmy-nominated series has been renewed for a...
It’s been nearly a quarter century since Matthew Bourne’s bold reimagining of the classic Tchaikovsky ballet “Swan Lake” turned the dance world on its collective ear....
The first female mayor to be elected in Colombia’s capital city of Bogota has married her female partner just ahead of taking office. Claudia López, who...
Billy Porter has had a pretty stellar year already, topping off a long list of fabulous accomplishments by taking home an Emmy for “Pose” to sit...
Los Angeles is a proudly LGBTQ-friendly city already, but a new billboard looking down on Sunset Boulevard has just upped its gay factor. The billboard is...
One Million Moms doubled down on its homophobic agenda on Monday after the Hallmark Channel’s weekend announcement that it would be reinstating ads it had previously...
The Screen Actors Guild has announced the nominees for its 2019 awards presentation, and like the Golden Globes nominations earlier this week, there are multiple nods...
Veteran British actor Richard E. Grant has said casting straight actors in gay roles is “unjustifiable.” Despite being Oscar-nominated last year for his performance as the...