We spend millions to keep intruders out of our schools, but we put our kids in harm’s way on the inside with policies like Middletown’s
Gift is part of Grammy winner’s 4th annual Juneteenth Giveback campaign which recognizes Black-led grassroots organizations and businesses
Alexander equating being LGBTQ+ with being a danger to the community, particularly young people and morally reprehensible
First-of-its-kind report highlights actions to defend & expand civil rights of LGBTQ+ people despite ongoing threats to justice & equality
No ad featuring LGBTQ+ scored higher than ‘insufficient’ in inaugural advertising visibility index. Only 3% of TV ads included LGBTQ+ people
ILGA head writes about the DNA that drives LGBTQ activists in a Europe where there's a mistaken assumption everyone has access to democracy
State legislatures across the nation have this year introduced nearly 525 bills attacking the LGBTQ+ community
Dr. Joseph Komrosky, the board's president referred to Milk as a pedophile. That remark drawing the ire of Gov. Newsom
What's amazing about watching queer identity shift is that it's young people who are actually moving us into a more expansive idea of gender
The NOH8 Campaign is the silent photographic protest created by celebrity photographer Adam Bouska & partner Jeff Parshley