“The Problem With Jon Stewart” begins this episode with a primer on the issue, using his trademark sense of humor and snark
“She was a very funny, amazing performer and it was always a “happy time to be around her” Celebrities and comedy stars pay tribute
She was called into the guidance counselor's office and told parents had said her nomination could have been part of a "mean-spirited joke"
Jennifer Pizer from Lambda Legal: “It’s not too much to say an immeasurably huge amount is at stake” for LGBTQ people
"Questions about menstruation absolutely will be used to out transgender athletes and force compliance with the state law banning them"
Recently, Walsh has been helping lead a campaign against children’s hospitals providing gender-affirming care
"The Victory Fund's nonpartisan - So we don't talk about ‘holding the House’ so much as ‘keeping the forces who want to harm us at bay'"
Murray, 30, came out during an interview posted on the website of his club, saying “the weight of the world is now off my shoulders”
After 24 years of researching LGBT military service bans, the Palm Center announced September 19 it was closing its doors on September 25
The annual award is bestowed on “an individual or group who has made exceptional contributions to the advancement of LGBTQ rights”