Ennis is the LA Blade's Sports Editor & contributing writer as well as a professor at the University of Hartford where she teaches journalism
"This is obviously a hate crime. The fact that my sexuality as gay is public should never expose myself to this kind of violence"
Silence = Death and its accompanying reversed pink triangle symbol was created by artisans with The Silence=Death Project
The initial ruling was the asylum bid was frivolous because he fabricated a key element of his application & failed to establish he's gay
The letter “strongly urged” the Monitoring Board to update its guidelines to ensure parents are aware of the “disturbing” content
“Their actions, to move so hastily & without consideration of the harms this will do, will ultimately hurt Trans kids throughout Georgia”
“It is unacceptable that the U.S. military continues to perpetuate harmful stigma against people living with HIV”
Her place in history is marked by her elevation as the first both Black and Lesbian White House Press Secretary
“Everyone who interacts with the criminal system, whether a victim or are suspected of a crime has legal rights & must be treated fairly”
"It seems that every time something like this happens, we remove another block from the wall that separates from anarchy and mob rule"