In the overall study only 13.5% of straight-identifying adolescents self-reported trouble falling or staying asleep
Viewers will be able to access the video when it officially launches on YouTube at 12pm ET on March 31 marking Transgender Day of Visibility
“There is no amount of money in the world that could ever replace Nigel,” said Nigel’s mother. “You can’t put a price on a child"
The White House issued a statement Monday: "[...] the bill does not actually help parents support their children at school"
"Gender transitions are experimental, they are covered by existing law governing unfair, deceptive, & unconscionable business practices"
Boycotting Travolta, Diamond Hunting with Laverne Cox, Outing the Governor’s Brother… and Other Adventures in the War to Win LGBTQ Equality
SB 407 ensures LGBTQ foster youth are raised in supportive environments by creating standard documentation for their needs
It’s common for LGBTQ youth to stay quiet about their sexuality or identity or act out to disrupt a placement before they risk rejection
"This is a sissy bill. I voted yes but I wanted more teeth in it." Kentucky Republican State Rep. Richard White (Dist.99)
A serious threat are those who know how to walk the fine line between first amendment rights and that defined as illegal harassment