'Peter’s journey over the past half-century highlights the advances in the gay liberation movement. That gives me hope for the future.'
On that day in June 1978, it felt as if the rainbow had always been a symbol for the LGBTQ community, it just hadn’t revealed itself...
On June 12th, 2016, Pulse became the second deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history- out of tragedy, there can be triumph.
It was awesome that the Dodgers kicked butt right off the bat in the first inning and won 12-1 with multiple home runs
An identified descendent of the Wyandot Native American tribe, he was indigenous and had the right to claim two-spirit identity
Maryland now joins with the 15 other U.S. states and territories that have banned use of the LGBTQ panic defense
Gay is indeed good, and as long as there are those willing to carry on both Frank and Harvey's legacy, then too, hope will never be...
I am really happy that it has allowed me to create something that all our LGBTQIA+ employees can be really proud of.
Most medical and psychological professional associations strongly oppose “conversion therapy” as illegitimate
I’ve gone years working in healthcare, public health, and tobacco control without ever mentioning my own previous struggles around smoking