Garcetti was challenged in his eight years in office by various issues including what he saw as his greatest nemesis- the homelessness crisis
California law says he must run in a special election this November to fill the remainder of Harris’ term. And he’s running for a new term
Haddad joins the Blade as a Diversity Reporter under the State of California Ethnic Media Outreach Grant for queer AAPI writers
Race to the Midterms 2: The Future of Democracy, Abortion Rights and Climate Change and on winning in November
Karen Ocamb & Max Huskins along with the Los Angeles Blade present a limited YouTube series “The Time is Now: Race to the Midterms”
This Town hall was a much-needed opportunity to create new urgency about the need to be vaccinated & more direct discussions about prevention
Veteran journalist and activist Karen Ocamb interviews politicos & candidates seeking your vote in the November 2022 elections
MONTEREY PARK – Los casos de viruela del mono aumentaron en el condado de Los Ángeles más de 10 veces en los 2 meses desde que...
We need Monkeypox vaccine TODAY, not next week. We need our community clinics to be covered fully and IMMEDIATELY be reimbursed by Medi-Cal
"Nobody can say we aren’t brave. We do courage with a proud, colorful flare! Happy Pride!"