The average price for self-serve regular gasoline in California is $5.37, which is nine cents lower than last week
Horvath extended her appreciation to outcoming Supervisor Sheila Kuehl, who had endorsed and backed her in the campaign to succeed her
The meeting was hosted by the LA District Attorney's LGBTQ+ advisory board, LA County Human Relations Commission, & the US Attorney's Office
"As a gay Chinese American, I wanted to make sure that the gay part of my identity would be out front" Dong said
When Zbur is sworn in on December 5 and takes office, he will join the largest Legislative LGBTQ+ Caucus in California history
Luna served as chief of the Long Beach Police Department for seven years, having first been appointed to the position in 2014
"Young people showed up to the polls and showed up to vote for important issues that pertain to all generations"
The average price for self-serve regular gasoline in California is $5.46, which is three cents lower than last week
In the Sheriff's race Luna maintains a significant lead over incumbent Villanueva & Horvath leads Hertzberg in LA County Supervisor's race
Prior to joining the Hollywood Bowl staff, Mark was Operations Coordinator at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum and Sports Arena