"This Juneteenth, I urge all Californians to reflect on the ongoing cause of freedom for Black Americans" - Gov. Gavin Newsom
The average price for self-serve regular gasoline in California is $6.43, which is three cents higher than last week
Summer aquatics registration opens up Saturday, June 18 and programs start Monday, June 20, 2022- visit parks.lacounty.gov/aquatics
“We have taken measures to increase pet adoptions, foster homes, transfers of pets to rescue partners, and pets being returned home”
Boys & Girls Clubs WSGV is a trailblazing youth organization. The Club does a phenomenal job of celebrating Pride 365 days a year
FREE Access to Nutritional Lunches and Snacks to Promote Positive Youth Development Partnered with Play and Summer Recreation Programs
People are urged to drink plenty of fluids, stay in air-conditioned areas & stay out of the sun. Cooler conditions expected to return Sunday
The average price for self-serve regular gasoline in California is $6.40, which is 19 cents higher than last week and a new state record
This summers program lineup will feature an array of girls’ sports programs to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Title IX
Election information will be updated periodically as more districts report results