“It’s important that we provide spaces for our communities to connect and to be empowered with resources to help prevent/end violence"
Anyone who believes they may have been a victim or targeted by the defendant is urged to contact the FBI’s Los Angeles Field Office
The quick and easy 24/7 online registration system Active Net allows you to manage everyone’s schedule through a single household account
The average price of self-serve regular gas in the Los Angeles-Long Beach area is $6.04 per gallon, which is a penny higher than last week
This will provide legal services, case management, mental/complementary health services, & other needed intervention-prevention activities
Eligible residents behind on their rent payments may get up to 18 months of assistance to cover rent debt accrued during the pandemic
The state is helping tenants with unpaid rent and utilities owed from April 1, 2020 through March 31, 2022
"A strike is always a last resort, and we will continue to push for the companies to do the right thing." the union said
Established in 1990, the Junior Lake Lifeguard Program has grown into one of the most successful water safety training programs in LA
Much of the material performed by both women draws from observations about what makes lesbian culture sex & sexuality idiosyncratic