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You can watch on Channel 92 or 94 on most cable systems, or anytime here. Catch up on LA County Close-Up here
AFI FEST 2022 takes place November 2-6, 2022 & features groundbreaking stories from a wide array of dynamic and diverse artists
The sponsor of this year’s Models of Pride was Glamazon L.A.—Amazon’s LGBTQ+ Affinity Group along with the Los Angeles City College
As a woman in politics, it has NOT always been easy- when we challenge the “good old boys club,” things get even tougher
Wyman the 2nd-ever woman to serve on the Council & 1st Jewish Councilmember in decades went on to transform LA through her dynamic leadership
According to Chief Moore it was Martinez, de León, Cedillo and Herrera who approached the LAPD last Friday and asked for an investigation
Tuesday's agenda included discussion of holding a special election to fill the seat of Nury Martinez who resigned from the council
It’s time to look at the groups and organizations whose money and resources put him in office to help take him out
West has engaged in hateful intolerant rants on podcasts and social media posts ranting about Jewish people’s collective power & control