His LGBTQ advocacy work also includes senior policy counsel for the National LGBTQ Task Force and organizer for Pride at Work
Mattie Tux Horton arrived in U.S. in 2016
A study found that 67 percent of the LGBTQ elders who responded, “were concerned about neglect in a long-term care setting”
The 2015 U.S. Transgender Survey found trans people were 10 times as likely to be sexually assaulted by their fellow inmates
No candidate in #MD01 of either party, incumbent or challenger, has ever hit the $1M milestone this early in the election cycle
Baltimore police didn’t immediately respond to a request why police didn’t list the break-in and burglary as a hate crime
The AbilityOne Program, is one of the nation’s largest sources of employment for people who are blind or have significant disabilities.
Maryland now joins with the 15 other U.S. states and territories that have banned use of the LGBTQ panic defense
Eller was forced to resign from her because of the harassment and discriminatory action based on her gender and gender identity
Md. genetic engineering company hopeful gene altering process will work