"He always pulls stunts like this to get himself arrested, so he gets a warm meal and a place to sleep a witness noted"
Work product will include resources for parents to better protect their children's mental health, safety, and privacy online
The White House on Thursday issued separate fact sheets outlining the Biden-Harris administration's new initiatives
"The campaign will create healthy dialogue, reduce stigma surrounding mental illness and encourage use of LACDMH resources”
"We need to make sure we are better using the resources that we have by not investing in solutions we know do not deliver the results"
Newsom proposed a 2024 ballot initiative to improve how California treats mental illness, substance abuse, and homelessness
Priorities for Balint include the Equality Act, a bill that would prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation & gender identity
“His death marks the third fatal shooting by the police of a transgender person recorded by HRC since 2020”