In Ukraine, queer people are pouring their hearts into the campaign to repel Russia’s advance
Defendant admitted that he threatened mass shootings, bombings and other fatal attacks, on the LGBTQ+ community
A spokeswoman for Ocasio-Cortez said it is common for members of Congress to consider new names for local post offices
She has actively supported QAnon conspiracies & promoted former President Donald Trump's lie that the election was stolen
Cabrera promotes the false notion that homosexuality is a mental illness. How could he serve as a leader for NYC’s mental health communities?
She's experienced both the “superpower of invisibility” & the “superpower of being deeply connected to those who are marginalized”
ADF's attorneys in their appeal argued the New York state laws go against the First and Fourteenth Amendments
Anthony Bowens defiantly posted the picture after homophobic abuse during a recent match where epithets were yelled
Fehring is being charged with criminal mischief and grand larceny as a hate crime in the Sayville, Long Island case
Defendant allegedly threatened bombings and mass shooting that would make the 2016 Orlando Pulse Nightclub Attack “Look Like a Cakewalk”