As a Nurse Practitioner who interacts with patients navigating the complexities of HIV, I experience firsthand the deep-seated anxiety
"The implementation of these recommendations will represent a significant milestone for the agency and the LGBTQI+ community”
“With all the tools and resources that we have, there is no reason at all for people to still be getting HIV, but that is not...
Access to PrEP & PEP & adherence to recommended treatment are just 2 necessary steps in the efforts to reducing community transmission of HIV
HIV-related stigma, homophobia and transphobia, and lack of access create equity gaps in HIV prevention, testing, and treatment
The Los Angeles LGBT Center is sending out an invitation to join them this weekend for the grand opening of their newest location, Center South! On...
Newsome signs bill prohibiting insurance requirement for prescription
New study of nonconsensual condom removal during sex creates stir