On August 14, the Philosophical Research Society (PRS) hosted a screening of 1996’s “The Celluloid Closet” directed by Rob Epstein and Jefferey Friedman. The second part of their...
Pioneering LGBTQ+ Activist and Comedian Reflects on Career, Marriage Equality, and Ongoing Fight for Rights
How Queer Comics Broke Barriers & Sparked a Comedy Revolution
1970 was an incredible year of achievement for GLF in LA. Marches, protests, & a broad range of other militant, highly visible actions
PBS doc tells story of LGBTQ history that has long been invisible
Silence = Death and its accompanying reversed pink triangle symbol was created by artisans with The Silence=Death Project
Gregorio Davila’s ’L.A. A Queer History’ through interviews, archival footage, and photographs weaves a tapestry of LGBTQ life in Los Angeles
Lovers of local queer culture have a fantastic opportunity to experience it throughout July with “Dirty Looks: On Location,” an arts festival which focuses on “celebrating...