"I just don't understand the mentality of somebody competing over who can make life hardest for a community that is already so vulnerable"
Drag queens among event participants
"Twitter's new regime is willing to aid campaigns spreading lies but block campaign videos about protecting women's reproductive freedom"
The controversy illustrates the unpredictability and arbitrariness of online flare-ups often driven partially or entirely by misinformation
Musk's 18-year-old trans daughter had filed papers in court to legally change her first and last name and request a new birth certificate
Moments after their conversation kicked off- the audio cut out due to technical glitches that persisted for nearly half an hour
“Transphobic bigots like Ron DeSantis have no place in government, let alone the White House, ' said the LGBTQ Victory Fund
Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orbán to headline event
White House Press Secretary Jean-Pierre has been fielding questions for months about when Biden would disclose his 2024 campaign plans
Advocacy groups last week issued travel advisory for Fla.