The report includes an analysis of data released by the Census Bureau of its American Community Survey that focused on same-gender couples
Braverman is marrying software engineer and photographer Jonathan Cottrell Friday in “one of the most iconic venues in all of sports”
ADF's attorneys in their appeal argued the New York state laws go against the First and Fourteenth Amendments
LGBTQ+ activists in the country called on the government to extend adoption equality to all same-sex couples
“The union of a man & woman is still considered the fundamental element of marriage according to civil law & precedents of the Supreme Court"
Michael had recognized a soul mate in Matthew- They made contact, and three weeks later, Michael flew to see Matthew in Seattle
'The Engagement' chronicles the path of marriage equality from a fringe issue to one of the nation's central civil rights fights
The survey found 56% of respondents believe same-sex marriage should be legal to ensure the safety of their children
"We don’t want to see those rights lost to an arch-conservative agenda of recent Supreme Court appointees”
The statutes have never caught up to court decisions [...] it’s important that we take this step & ensure that our law enshrines these rights