The judge said more people have become supportive of recognizing same-sex marriage, & the reasoning behind excluding it is becoming "shaky"
Williams-Hauger told the Washington Blade that it “has always been known that I’m married- Brad and I have been together since 2005"
The junior senator from South Carolina will face off against the state’s former Republican governor, Nikki Haley
Taiwan remains the only jurisdiction in Asia to have legalized same-sex marriage
State transgender lawmaker proposes to girlfriend: ‘She has made me the luckiest woman alive’ her girlfriend notes saying yes
The president's veto letter to the National Assembly of Hungary contained unusually sharp critique from a member of Orban’s inner circle
The country has been criticised by international human rights groups as discriminating against LGBTQ+ people
Boycotting Travolta, Diamond Hunting with Laverne Cox, Outing the Governor’s Brother… and Other Adventures in the War to Win LGBTQ Equality
"It doesn't matter whether it's same-sex or a heterosexual couple, you should be able to be married." Biden on same-sex marriage
This proposal was a fairytale, not only for me, but she proposed to my daughters, blending our worlds together