The nation’s top LGBTQ legal organization, celebrated transgender activist Dylan Mulvaney and actor George Takei at its West Coast Liberty Awards on Thursday night, raising nearly...
“Commitment to Life” is a story of unwavering bravery in the face of death. It reconstructs HIV’s devastation & those who rose to fight it
Former farm boy turned lawyer turned former Executive Director of Equality California turned politician, Rick Zbur speaks with the Blade
Sixth annual special issue celebrates the LGBTQ+ community. Twenty thousand Blade readers then voted and the winners are presented here
Kuehl will be honored on Jan. 18 during the Los Angeles Blade’s Best of LGBTQ LA Readers’ Choice Awards 2023
"Nobody can say we aren’t brave. We do courage with a proud, colorful flare! Happy Pride!"
(UPDATED) Los Angeles County may have just opened the door to better government policy and resources for the LGBTQ community. During the regular Public Health afternoon...
LGBTQ people in California are closer to being counted in the coronavirus pandemic. Out Sen. Scott Wiener’s SB 932- Collecting LGTBQ Data passed the Senate Appropriations Committee...
The weather is alluring. The sun and slight breeze beacons Angelinos to venture outside as if in an earlier time when spring sprung open a treasure...
The juxtaposition is mind-boggling. The President of the United States is more worried about his re-election and the stock market than a global pandemic that is...