The area was cleared after numerous clashes some involving smoke bombs and projectiles which were lobbed at police and at opposing groups.
Kye Sayers & Bob Bernstein objected to the stigmatizing message they would be required to display- said the law violates the First Amendment
"We won’t go back into the closet, and we will not stay silent. And California will never reward states that act in bad faith"
"New York continues to lead the way in ensuring LGBTQ people are treated equally in every part of the law and society"
An identified descendent of the Wyandot Native American tribe, he was indigenous and had the right to claim two-spirit identity
Attorney representing the school system argued Cross’ actions disrupted the educational setting suspension was for that reason not his beliefs
'The pandemic only made things worse - A Trans woman shares her journey from homelessness to hope'
I would like to imagine a world where kids can wear whatever they want irrespective of their anatomy
In honor of International Trans Day of Visibility, singer-songwriter and theatre artist Benjamin Scheuer has released “I Am Samantha,” a new track that recounts the real-life journey...
As controversial a figure as she may be, it turns out that Caitlyn Jenner has helped advance transgender acceptance in older and conservative people. In a...