The 16-year-old junior was denied access by a teacher to female restrooms and locker rooms and told she was not "actually a girl."
The Los Angeles Blade is pleased to introduce and debut our new featured advice columnist, Rosalynne Montoya
The decision by DHS to discontinue the grant came just under six months after Casa Ruby filed an administrative complaint against DHS
LGBTQ+ isn't a "label" it is a state of being that a human is born with and must be acknowledged, especially by an LGBTQ+ publication
"Under the guise of protecting children- Texas legislators are directly harming thousands of transgender & nonbinary youth"
"I do have a special connection to the concept of a Blind Audition where the only thing that matters is the art and who the person...
Federal class-action lawsuit challenging blanket exclusion of health care for Trans people in WVA's Medicaid & state employee health plan
Overturning of Bell v. Tavistock by the Court of Appeal undermines a key talking point of anti-LGBTQ organizations in the UK and the U.S.
Asked should school boards be allowed to reject policies to protect trans kids- school boards “should be making their own decisions” he said
The Tenth Circuit also rejected Southeastern’s cross-appeal in its entirety, citing the Supreme Court’s decision in Bostock v. Clayton County