Activists say prime minister's party blocked measure
“I believe every person is welcome and valued in Nashville. Enforcement of transphobic or homophobic laws is contrary to those values."
The actor celebrates his new look in an Instagram Post expressing his joy with his first guy's swim trunks
We were concerned that the groups that oppose transgender people might try to weaponize our story and use it against transgender people
No one should be denied coverage for health care simply because they are transgender.
"This bill says that the state doesn't trust trans youth, their parents, and their physicians"
Delivery of bill to Congress was held up due to protocols related to Jan. 6 riots
Anti-trans voices in the UK have been collaborating with American anti-LGBTQ religious right groups such as ADF and Heritage Foundation.
I would like to imagine a world where kids can wear whatever they want irrespective of their anatomy
This bill is the third anti-Trans legislation signed by Governor Lee following other anti-Trans laws and anti-LGBTQ legislation