"Arkansas isn't going to rewrite the rules of biology just to please a handful of far-left advocates," a spokesperson said
"Gender transitions are experimental, they are covered by existing law governing unfair, deceptive, & unconscionable business practices"
The Mid-Vermont Christian School basketball team forfeited a tournament game rather than compete with a transgender student-athlete
This is the third time the state’s Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco has targeted a business that hosted a drag show
A serious threat are those who know how to walk the fine line between first amendment rights and that defined as illegal harassment
Governor Tim Walz signed an extensive executive order that protects trans kids & families fleeing anti-trans states
Former New Zealand Parliamentarian passed away Monday
As we begin to take stock of the states passing anti-trans laws. Momentum has slowed in some states. In others, things are heating up
Vermont girls team forfeits playoff to avoid competing against trans student despite law allowing trans females to play on girls’ sports teams
Gender affirming care bans mostly target trans youth with forced withdrawal of their medication. This amounts to forced medical detransition