What makes these fundamentalist MAGA types so afraid of a man in a dress with make up on his face and a goddamn wig on his...
Marvia Malik made history in the conservative Muslim-majority nation as the first openly trans person on a television channel in 2018
Shrapnel from a Russian artillery shell struck Sarah Ashton-Cirillo on Thursday
Visit your local @PlannedParenthood Health Center for free condoms, lube, free or affordable screenings, and so much more!
Since December, at least 63 new ads using harmful “groomer” rhetoric have run on the company’s platforms of Facebook and Instagram
Anyone over 16-years-old can legally change gender without medical intervention
“We won’t stand for the Times platforming lies, bias, fringe theories, and dangerous inaccuracies,” says GLAAD. “We demand fair coverage”
There are those in and out of government in Britain and Wales claiming that reform would mean a safety issue for women and children
Morgan creates trans inclusive, gender-free candles that allow people to see their bodies, & the bodies of people they love in accessible art
LGBTQ+ people already face disproportionately worse healthcare outcomes in the UK – and that’s without an NHS in crisis