The discovery of her remains came after intensive efforts by family and friends who actively searched for her filed a missing person's report
"Following Day’s death she was repeatedly misgendered by authorities and the local news media. We categorically condemn such carelessness"
Herod, who grew up in Colorado Springs, is the first Black LGBTQ person to hold office in the Colorado General Assembly
“She was like a trans mother to me. I looked up to her- In the gay community you create your families, so it’s like I lost...
'I cannot believe this is happening in a place we call a safe space we had that taken from us tonight. My heart is shattered'
Common App plans to add “X” or “another legal sex” as an option, in addition to “female” and “male” for the 2023-2024 application season
“I have so much empathy for my younger self. I was the only little girl wandering the halls of this all-boys school”
This week, let us rededicate ourselves to committing to supporting our trans siblings making sure their voices are heard & shared
"If you’re trans or nonbinary, we urge you to take the U.S. Trans Survey before it closes on its new deadline of December 5"
Officers raped and beat Azul Rojas Marín in 2008