This is not a partisan political fight. It’s an American imperative. LGBTQ and our allies must not be complacent in 2022
“Transgender Offender Manual,” improves policies relating to the housing and treatment of transgender people in federal custody
Konen gave the school permission to use the boy's name for attendance and tried to be supportive but noted it was difficult for her
The whole country is waiting for the Supreme Court to decide on one of the most serious challenges to abortion rights since the Roe v. Wade
Under the bill, male students are not permitted to participate on any school athletic team or squad designated for ‘females’
NC State Health Plan appealed to the Fourth Circuit claiming it could not be sued because the state is protected by “sovereign immunity”
"Documented cases prove that placing men who ‘identify’ as female in women’s prisons puts female inmates at increased risk of sexual assault"
Requires documentation of testosterone levels amid a fervor of recently transitioned swimmers breaking records in women’s athletics
Significant work remains to be done, particularly in areas affecting some of the most vulnerable members of the LGBTQ+ community
New policy announced Wednesday in Mexico City