"Lisa has been a trailblazing champion for the LGBTQ community as well as a dedicated public servant and activist working to uplift her city"
Hubbard's participation had provoked controversy as she had prepared for competing as the world’s first out transgender woman Olympian
The Los Angeles Blade is pleased to present our new featured advice columnist, Rosalynne Montoya
Casa Ruby Government Affairs Director Alexis Blackmon assumes position of interim executive director during search for a permanent director
Investigators haven’t contacted library officials about the case, leaving them unsure which books got the library in potential legal trouble
“LA County is the most diverse county in the nation- this is an important step toward a more inclusive LA County"
"After outing him as publisher of The Pride LA, he deleted his comment from the thread in the Facebook Group and blocked me on Facebook"
Olivia Hill, a US Navy combat veteran, was an exemplary employee of the Vanderbilt Power Plant for a quarter of a century
"Rep. Sabatini has cultivated a reputation for extremist bills & GOP leaders in Tallahassee are increasingly embracing his extremism"
Advocacy group describes decision as a 'landmark judgment'