Warnock's victory means Democrats gain the outright majority in the Senate, with 51 seats to 49, freeing them from a power-sharing agreement
Liberty Counsel President Matt Staver argued that the Respect for Marriage Act would lead to “pedophilic marriages”
President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, the Congressional LGBTQ+ Equality Caucus, and LGBTQ groups celebrated Tuesday's victory
Coordinated campaign by anti-LGBTQ groups fails to weaken support among GOP Senators as the bill sees clear path to near-certain passage
President Joe Biden has urged Congress to expeditiously send the Respect for Marriage Act to his desk where it will become law
“Should students who identify as LGBTQ be identified from monitoring software, and potentially be disciplined or punished?"
The legislation presents a rare area on which the deeply divided Congress has struck an agreement to pass a significant bipartisan bill
RFMA will require states to recognize same-sex marriages performed where they are legal preserving more than 1,100 federal rights & benefits
“This bill is careful with how to thread the needle protecting state and federal marriages without addressing a host of other issues”
Senator Schumer is expected to bring the Respect for Marriage Act to the Senate floor for a vote on Wednesday